Iceland Poppy (nudicaule papaver )
Iceland poppies are classified as a short lived perennial
usually surviving just one or two years. The flowers are
large, papery, bowl-shaped, and lightly fragrant supported by hairy,
1 foot curved stems among feathery blue-green foliage 1–6 inches
long. They come in shades of yellow, orange, salmon, rose, pink,
cream and white. They prefer cool weather and are hardy from zone 3b
to 10a. They will die back or be killed by high summer heat. In
areas with less intense summer heat they will go dormant and bloom
in the spring and again in the fall. In cool summer climates on
well-drained soils, Iceland poppies can live 2–3 seasons,
flowering from early spring to fall. Iceland poppies are amongst the
best poppies for cutting, as they last for several days in the vase.
Sow seeds in early spring in well drained soil as soon as the ground can be worked.
Plant at 1/8 inch deep and cover lightly. Keep the soil moist and germinations
should take place in 14-21 days. Thin to 8-12 inches. Poppies prefer
full sun and require little water once established.
1 packet (approximately 500 seeds) $3.50
1g (approximately
9000 seeds) $15.00